Phone:  +1 719 201 7323              Email:


What is NERVA Prime?

NERVA Prime is a Loyalty Program for clubs and/or teams wishing to "pre-book" the “prime” hotel blocks for NERVA convention center events BEFORE general booking opens!

With an increasing demand for walking distance hotels, the ability to pre-book hotel rooms has been requested by many of our regularly participating clubs. To meet this demand, NERVA has created NERVA Prime, which rewards ‘loyal’ clubs and teams by providing priority booking opportunities at high demand properties.

The program will be instituted ONLY for the following tournaments in 2024-2025:

  • NIKE​ Wicked Good Challenge (Providence & Mohegan)
  • NIKE New England Winterfest #1-3 in Hartford & #2 in Providence
  • NIKE​ VolleyFest - Providence
  • NIKE​ VolleyFest - Springfield
  • NIKE Boston Volleyball Festival #1-2
  • NIKE Liberty Challenge of Boston
  • NIKE​ Rhode Island Rumble #1-2
  • NIKE​ North Atlantic Championships #1-2

Similar to frequent flyer programs, this program rewards clubs and teams that consistently attend NERVA events and book more rooms at a THS approved hotel. By combining team and parent room reservations, everyone has the chance to qualify for the program so long as they are in good standing with NERVA!

What are the rules?

  • You must register the team(s) for each event on SportWrench AND pay the entry fees for the teams you wish to block rooms for through NERVA Prime.
    • There are no entry fee refunds for NERVA Prime teams.
  • You must block a minimum of 5 rooms with a maximum of 15 per team.
    • NOTE: If your club has been recorded with using more than 15 rooms per team at previous events, you MAY be awarded more than 15 rooms per team.
  • For NERVA Prime events, each team MUST have its own room block.
  • Blocks must be booked for a minimum of 3 nights for 3-Day events and 2 nights for 2-Day events -> NO EXCEPTIONS!
  • Of the number of rooms requested, you MUST guarantee 90% of the room nights utilized.
    • If not, you will be given a time frame in which to cure your deficit.
    • If the deficit is not cured, your team will face a penalty of $50 per room-night short of the 90% guarantee.
    • If not paid by set deadline, your team will be removed from the event(s).

IMPORTANT: It is ok to transfer this agreement from one team to another within the same club if an age group drops or cannot compete.

How do I participate?

  1. Register your team(s) for each event on SportWrench AND pay the entry fees! 
  2. Submit your NERVA Prime application! 
    • LINKS will be provided for the NIKE New England Winterfest, NIKE Boston Volleyball Festival, NIKE Liberty Challenge of Boston and NIKE North Atlantic Championships.
    • For ALL OTHER events listed, send an email to between 11AM EDT on October 7th and 3PM EDT on October 10th.
    • Applications for NERVA Prime will ONLY be accepted online & by email between those dates & times. 
  3. Accept and return the NERVA Prime contract no later than 24 hours within receipt of the contract!

How can I apply for the NERVA Prime Program?

IMPORTANT:  Applications are available to be submitted ONLY between 11AM EDT on October 7th and 3PM EDT on October 10th.

To find the NERVA Prime Applications for those events requiring one, please click on the EVENT NAME below:
*links available October 7th

For each of the other events listed below, request for Loyalty room blocks will be taken via email to AJ at between 11AM EDT on October 7th and 3PM EDT on October 10th. All EMAILS MUST INCLUDE the following details:

  • Event Name to request Loyalty Block
  • Club Director or Travel Director Name
  • Club Director or Travel Director Email Address
  • Club Director or Travel Director Cell Number
  • Number of Teams requesting Loyalty Blocks for
  • List and RANK your TOP 4 hotel choices from the links below
  • Number of Rooms requested for each team
    **Please include the number of Double-Doubles, Kings with Pullouts, or King rooms requested for each team.

To find the NERVA Prime Program Hotels, Rates & Blocks for the events not requiring an application, please click on the EVENT NAME below: 
**links active on October 7th!

How are rooms awarded?

Once the NERVA Prime application is completed:

  • First priority will be given to teams based on the number of NERVA Prime events you are attending and club travel distance from the playing venue for that event.
  • Second Priority will be the number of years your team or club has attended each event and number of teams/rooms requested.

IMPORTANT: For all Club Applications, rooms will be allotted based on previous years’ pick up and request history! 

Once your club is selected and rooms awarded, all contracts must be accepted within 24 hours of the issue date. Additionally, each club will be responsible for booking 90% of the total contracted room-nights by the rooming list deadline to avoid penalties.

What are the program limitations? 

The NERVA Prime Program may present challenges for NERVA and THS, which could result in a shortage of inventory for some applicants.  This is due to the amount of available hotel rooms within the defined area and the number of applicants requesting space. If you are contacted by THS because your Application has been "deferred", you have several options that will still afford you some NERVA Prime benefits:

  • Allow THS to book your rooms at the next best hotel location. The club will still get to request their preferred hotel selection before general booking opens.
  • Clubs and teams have the option to split up their blocks between hotels in order to have access to possible space within walking distance.  

IMPORTANT: Teams may have to accept some rooms at a location outside of walking distance properties. 

THS will do their best to give deferred applicants the opportunity to move into walking distance hotels, but does not guarantee that team blocks will be moved, and do not offer a waitlist.

What if I do not want to participate in NERVA Prime but need hotel rooms for my team(s)? 

General booking (for teams not participating in NERVA Prime) will open on the following dates:

If you have any questions regarding NERVA Prime, please contact AJ Joseph directly at or call (719) 201-7323!