Eligibility Details
Foreign Teams are eligible to participate in National Junior Competitions sanctioned by USAV in ANY NON-BID Qualification Division provided all Entry Requirements below have been met.
- IMPORTANT: Foreign teams (with the EXCEPTION of teams from US Territories such as Puerto Rico, Guam, US Virgin Islands, etc) are not eligible to participate in the 18 Open, 18 USA, 18 Liberty and 18 American divisions at the NIKE Boston Volleyball Festival. They are ONLY eligible to enter 18 Club division for this event.
- CLICK HERE to review the Foreign Team Participation Procedures provided by USA Volleyball!

Event Registration Requirements:
Important First Step for CANADIAN TEAMS ONLY: Contact memership@usav.org AND copy (CC) info@sportwrench.com IMMEDIATELY to obtain your unique CLUB Code -- REQUIRED for accurate event registration. If you ALREADY have one from a previous season, you MUST use that SAME Club Code each season!
Important First Step for ALL OTHER FOREIGN TEAMS: Contact info@sportwrench.com IMMEDIATELY to obtain your unique CLUB Code -- REQUIRED for accurate event registration. If you ALREADY have one from a previous season, you MUST use that SAME Club Code each season!
A Foreign Team (registered with its National Volleyball Federation) may participate if the team/club:
- Pays Entry Fee
- Is NOT representing its country in any official capacity
- Complies with the Stay & Play housing policy (if applicable)
- Meets USA Volleyball Junior Age Definitions (2 pages) for all event age requirements
- NOTE: Age definitions ARE different for USA Volleyball sanctioned events!
- Submits ALL REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION electronically through the NEW USA Volleyball Online Portal prior to the deadline listed below.
- **Purchase Secondary Insurance Coverage - $100 USD (PAID electronically to USA Volleyball via NEW Online Portal)
**NEW THIS SEASON! ALL FOREIGN TEAMS are now REQUIRED to purchase the secondary insurance coverage through USA Volleyball ($100US paid online via the USAV Portal). WRITTEN proof of 24-hour health coverage valid in the United States is no longer accepted. For more information on the Summary of Coverage, please CLICK HERE

Canadian Team Details & Information
** NEW THIS YEAR! The process for Canadian teams has been streamlined and integrated with USA Volleyball's Membership Management System. After obtaining your Club Code above, please complete the following:
- STEP 1: Contact USA Volleyball Membership Services Department for System Access:
To obtain details on how to access the USA Volleyball Online System, please email the USA Volleyball Membership Services Department at membership@usav.org with the following information:
- Club Director Name & Email address
- Events Name & Dates for each team
- Federation Name
- Team Name & Team Code (for all Teams)
- Club Name & Club Code
- STEP 2: OBTAIN Letter of Good Standing from Federation:
- ALL FOREIGN TEAMS MUST PROVIDE a signed Letter of Good Standing from your Team Federation (One per TEAM) ALL requested rostered personnel MUST BE LISTED on the Letter. Separate letters are needed for upload.
- STEP 3: COMPLETE Required Athlete & Coach Registration:
- This process is via USA Volleyball Membership system & must be complete no later than 45 days before event roster deadline(s).
- If you need assistance with this step you MUST email the USA Volleyball Membership Services Department at membership@usav.org as tournament staff DOES NOT have access to this system.
- STEP 4: CREATE event roster in SportWrench for EACH event.
**IMPORTANT REMINDER! The Coach or Team Rep for each team must have the following items in his/her possession for each rostered member of the team if requested courtside during any event:
- A copy of government issued Photo Identification (ex: Passport, Driver's License, or Birth Certificate – if under the age of 18)
- Proof of coaching qualifications

NON-CANADIAN TEAM REQUIRED Documents & Information:
The following documents & information MUST BE electronically uploaded to USA Volleyball National Office via their NEW Online Portal NO LATER THAN 45 days before the individual event Team Roster deadline. Email communication with deadline dates will be provided 60 days prior to the event start date to the contact listed for the Club in SportWrench!
- STEP 1: Contact USA Volleyball Membership Services Department for Portal Access:
- To obtain details on how to access the USA Volleyball Online Portal & upload the REQUIRED FORMS, please email the USA Volleyball Membership Services Department at membership@usav.org with the following information:
- Club Name & Club Code
- Team Name & Team Code (for all Teams)
- Federation Name
- Events Name & Dates for each team
- Club Director Name & Email address
- STEP 2: COMPLETE Required Forms for Upload to USAV Online Portal:
- ALL FOREIGN TEAMS MUST PROVIDE a signed Letter of Good Standing from your Team Federation (One per TEAM)
- Complete & sign COACH Foreign Participant Registration Form (One form per Coach/Bench Personnel - ALL pages MUST be signed)
**Coaches/Bench Personnel no longer required to have IMPACT if listed on the Federation Letter of Good Standing
- Complete & sign PLAYER Foreign Participant Registration Form (One form per PLAYER - PARENT SIGNATURES ARE REQUIRED ON FORMS
- Player Proof of Age (copy of government issued Photo Identification ex: Passport, Driver's License or Birth Certificate)
- STEP 3: UPLOAD all Required Forms from STEP #2 to the USA Online Portal:
- If you need assistance with this step you MUST email the USA Volleyball Membership Services Department at membership@usav.org as tournament staff DOES NOT have access to this system.
- STEP 5: Contact JVC Tournaments AFTER Team is listed on USA VOLLEYBALL "APPROVED TEAM LIST")
- AFTER YOUR TEAM IS LISTED ON THE APPROVED TEAMS LIST ABOVE - please email Courtney Powell at courtney@jvctournaments.com to receive details on Roster Upload.
- SafeSport requirements for Coaches and Players will be manually waived AFTER team is on the Approved Teams List AND Roster is UPLOADED ON SPORTWRENCH.
**IMPORTANT REMINDER! The Coach or Team Rep for each team must have the following items in his/her possession for each rostered member of the team if requested courtside during any event:
- A copy of government issued Photo Identification (ex: Passport, Driver's License, or Birth Certificate – if under the age of 18)
- Proof of coaching qualifications