**FIRST event of the HAT TRICK SERIES!**
FEBRUARY 1-2, 2025
The NIKE Springfield Invitational is designed to bring together the top teams in the 14-18’s age divisions in the Northeast and other top teams invited by the Selection Committee! Priority for invitations and registration information can be found below and on the Selection Criteria Page.
Team Registration:
- The Private Registration link for SportWrench for invited Clubs/Teams will be emailed to those Club Directors on July 15th. Priority registration for invited clubs/teams ends on August 15th. Public registration for teams wishing to be considered by the Selection Committee for any remaining spots in the event will open September 1st and close October 15th on SportWrench!
- Springfield: Room for ~80 teams (~16 in each age division)
- Entry fees are non-refundable after acceptance into the event.
- If the event is canceled for any reason entry fees will be refunded to all teams minus $25 if after December 10th and $50 if after January 10th to cover expenses already incurred such as awards, non-refundable facility deposits, shipping, etc.
If you are a foreign team, please click here for more information.
We will be using 1 site this weekend.
- Courts #1-11 at the MassMutual Center
1277 Main St, Springfield, MA 01103
BallerTV - All games will be recorded & live-streamed! No need to bring your own equipment!
For more information about the NIKE Springfield Invitational, please check out the linked buttons below!